Istanbul Through Instagram (2014-2017)

I'm coming down to my last days in Istanbul, after living here for three whole years, and it's been an emotional time to say the least. Luckily, there's still so much I love about this city, but that's what makes it hard. I'm moving back to Toronto to finally give a chance to the city I grew up in, in my adult and professional life. It's a journey that I'm excited to take, despite the sadness I'll feel leaving the beloved 'bul, but that doesn't make it any easier. 

Speaking of journeys, it's quite a thing to be able to look back and trace your steps from beginning until end. Thanks to good ol' Instagram, that's exactly what I can do with my three years in Istanbul. I've literally gone back through years of Instagram posts to put this together and provide a picture of my life in Istanbul over the past few years, through the pictures that I've posted. On their own, the pictures don't add up to a whole lot, but while putting them together, it's shocking to see what a complete snapshot of the city and my life they provide. It’s just a reminder that there are so many things to do in Istanbul!

You'll likely notice a transition from an iPhone 5 filter happy individual, to an iPhone 6s with more of a filter aversion, and eventually a greater emergence of DSLR camerawork. You'll notice an exploratory tone to more of an assertive and understanding tone. You'll notice that I've taken the past three years to ensure that I've left no stone uncovered. You'll notice that I've spent time growing my travel blogging brand and that in 2014 it wasn't unusual for me to have a few dozen likes on a photo or less. You'll notice, perhaps, that I've done a lot of growing while I've been here.

Naturally, this will be a photo heavy post, but it's a fun thought experiment that I think shows what my life has been like in this city over the past three years, and even my life in general. It shows the transition from Istanbul as a city I wanted to get to know better, to Istanbul as my second home.

I've purposely chosen photos from my time here that map my journey, not necessarily for their innate "beauty" so to speak. Perhaps unintentionally, this may end up being one of the most revealing and intriguing posts on my blog. 



Dinner at dusk near Galata Tower complete with new found friends. It's wonderful to think we can now call this place home. Istanbul.

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I came for the teaching, I stay for the kebap...

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Rumeli Fortress in Istanbul's Bebek neighbourhood. Taking in the history, of which there is no shortage in this city.

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To enjoy Turkish tea is, seemingly, to enjoy life.

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On the way to Kadiköy.

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It's strange, but overpopulation can be beautiful.

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Wow. The tulips in Emirgan Park are just ridiculous. This city, I'll tell ya.

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Saturday afternoon - çok güzel.

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This is not an exaggeration. Nothing has increased my quality of life more in Istanbul than Turkish breakfast.

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Balat's cafe culture is on the rise. Balat's cats are welcoming the changes.

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It's a gorgeous "winter" day today out on the beautiful Bosphorus. A seagull's delight.

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Been in Istanbul approaching 1.5 years. Still yet to feel boredom.

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My favourite area in the 'Bul.

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We formally welcome you to our wild Saturday night in Istanbul. Things are getting out of hand.

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Caught some lovely views strolling around Sultanahmet yesterday, as per usual.

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Ladies and gentlemen, spring has arrived in Istanbul. Ve ilkbahar çok seviyorum.

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I haven't yet tired of Istanbul's beauty. Out on a boat today with a big group, and couldn't be the happier.

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The perfect finish to a mighty fine weekend.

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Big stuff on the horizon. Sorry for the ambiguity, but stay tuned. Trust me.

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With views like this, it's hard not to be happy to be back in this storied city.

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My street has been looking lovely all weekend. Some perfect weather on hand.

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Things are looking up.

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I've gotten very accustomed to Istanbul's healthy supply of beautiful chaos.

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Istanbul is okay and everything...I just wish it was more, I don't know...dramatic?

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Republic Day was pretty darn good yesterday. Nice to celebrate beside arkadaşlarım.

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Our area is totally transformed, and I'm loving it. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

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Only in 🇹🇷

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The talented and creative @joel.sparks put this one together. He's calling it "Christanbul."

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There's no place like the 'bul.

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I'm not sure when this city will stop being enchanting to me, but it certainly hasn't happened yet.

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Istanbul, the beautiful.

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With Bri's help, my first photo exhibition is live! The DJ is spinning, the beers are cold - honestly, what more could you ask for?

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🌞days in 🇹🇷.

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There's something strikingly beautiful about a determined stray cat.

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Ah sweet Karaköy, one of Istanbul's preeminent photographers' playgrounds.

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The Bosphorus is an amazing colour of blue this time of year.

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Firstly, if you made it to the end, I congratulate your capacity for scrolling. You may have guessed that my aim to provide a full and complete picture of my time here through Instragram. If you have any comments, please leave them below! Have you been to Istanbul? Do you live here? Did you like the post? Any and all comments are welcome, and I'll get back to folks individually guaranteed.