13 Photos That Prove that Iceland is Actually Narnia

I'm not C.S. Lewis, but I'd like to think I know a thing or two about Narnia. I was nearly obsessed with The Chronicles of Narnia growing up, and I partially credit Mr. Lewis for my wild imagination and unswerving creativity. And, these aforementioned facts make it all the sweeter that I was actually able to visit Narnia in real life. That's because, Iceland is Narnia, and that's a fact. 

Take, for example, the fact that Narnia is described on Wikipedia as a place where, "some animals can talk, mythical beasts abound, and magic is common." Check. Check. Check. 

Firstly, I know I heard a few particularly vocal Icelandic Sheep in the countryside. Secondly, it's not an accident that Iceland is the land of the fairytale - you know that hiding behind the curtains of water at some of those gorgeous waterfalls, there's some epic colourful beast with powers humans can barely conceive. Plus, there's no question that trolls live within some of those cavernous mountains, or at least awfully close to them. And lastly, that island has so much magic they're selling their excess on the UN blackmarket (How do you think the UK pulled off the whole Harry Potter thing?). If you walked around with a "magic compass" (which for sure exists), the thing would be going berserk for the entirety of your trip. You know, Icelandic, basically, is just a collection of epic spells spun into a coherent  and logical structure. I personally know that I tried a few words on for size, and I didn't feel all that much different than Gandalf the Grey. 

In all seriousness, It's a tremendously beautiful nation, with a culture I deeply respect, and even if it's not actually Narnia - it is. It's Narnia. 

By the way, if you’re in Reykjavik, don’t forget about those epic Reykjavik day trips, and remember that there’s no shortage of romantic places in Iceland!

And to think, King Edmund walked the very same path...

Strokkur Geyser on the Golden Circle. You just know the White Witch bathes here.

Kirkjufell. A personal favourite of Mr. Tumnus.

What better place to pay your respects to Aslan?

What better place to pay your respects to Aslan?

No way that's a human dwelling. No way. (near Seljalandsfoss)

Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland. Mythical creatures run amuck.

Seljalandsfoss, one of the most famous waterfalls in "Iceland"... *cough cough* Narnia.

The "humans" heading towards Skógafoss.

Reynisfjara (Black Sand Beach) near Vik. Lucy is a big fan.

Reynisfjara (Black Sand Beach) near Vik. Lucy is a big fan.

No caption necessary. Skógafoss is pure Narnia.

You can't tell me those colours aren't a derivative of magic.

Prince Caspian once sailed this river.

This almost makes me want to leave "our world" and head to Narnia

This almost makes me want to leave "our world" and head to Narnia

Have you been to Narnia...er, I mean, Iceland? What did you think? What was your favourite part? If you enjoyed this article, please kindly leave a comment below and share! As you can tell, I had a lot of fun putting this together, so I can only hope you enjoyed reading it! Sure, I wrote this post in jest, but as I hope you can gather, there's so much to see in Iceland!

Also, if you might like this article if you like hiking in Iceland