Ten Poetic Postcards
There aren't many things in this vast world that exceed the importance of creativity. While I'm not a regular Da Vinci, I'd like to think that I have some spare creativity for a rainy day or two. I used to be able to play for hours on end when I was child with nothing more than an open backyard. The truth is that I probably still could, but now I'd probably attract some negative attention from the neighbours. Luckily, I have an outlet for all this pent up creative energy. The outlet is of course none other than this blog. I usually gleefully remark about an event or specific place, but today I'll be remarking about many. It is occasionally a blessing that I can write, rewrite, and even enforce the rules of this blog, as it happens to be mine. Enforcing the rules on myself would perhaps be redundant, but I do indeed create them and we all know that creation and creativity are delightfully intermingled. Thus, today I'm going to try a little something different.

Alright, calm down. There's no need to be so surprised. I just woke up on the right side of the bed this morning and I'm looking to exploit that. I've decided today that I'm going to post ten photos that I've never put on my blog before in an act of rebellion against all those times that I never posted anything from a trip at all. In fact, I had actually forgotten that some of these photos even existed until browsing my computer earlier tonight. Now, as with anything relatively enticing, there's a catch. Since it's an utter impossibility for me to give an adequate description of each photo and it's context, I've decided that I'm merely going create a few rhyming lines to accomplish that. You've heard me correctly, or at least read (and re-read) that correctly. In sum, that's 10 photos accompanied by 10 separate verses of poetry, and 1 smiling blog writer. Blame it on the creativity.
Giant's Causeway, Portsmouth, Northern Ireland (2011)
I'll start with a photo in the land of the Giants,
'Twas like being awake in one of your happiest dreams.
No thought of the real world's money and clients,
Only mythical creatures and storybook streams.
Gardens of the Palace of Versailles, Versailles, France (2010)
Surely you've heard of Louis's extravagant palace,
Train there from Paris if you've got a spare day.
At the time people thought he was utterly callous,
But tourists today seem blown away.
Queen's Day, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2010)
Queen's Day was mayhem in this famous city,
I was decked out in orange in this wonderful nation.
This woman fell in the water, but I couldn't feel pity,
She was redefining the word "celebration" .
The Parthenon, Athens, Greece (2010)
Ancient sites of power and devotion,
Enjoying the sights with a wonderful girl.
They say there's plenty of fish in the ocean,
Feeling quite lucky that I found a pearl.
Pulpit Rock, Stavanger, Norway (2010)
Up on a mountain in a country I love,
Norway was a home that could never annoy,
But the water was freezing in this pond high above.
Something was shrinking and it wasn't my joy.
Petrovaradin Fortress, Novi Sad, Serbia ("Chromeo" @ Exit Festival 2011)
Canadian artists in a Serbian castle,
My first solo festival and one of the best.
It was truly worth all the travel and hassel,
It left me in awe and downright impressed.
Tower of London, London, England, United Kingdom (2011)
Not many people can travel as brothers,
I'm happy to say we're in that minority.
We work together and respect each other,
And on drinking a beer, we're both an authority.
Dormant Russian KGB Bunker, Riga, Latvia (2010)
Money goes a long way in the European East,
You'll have some experiences that will open your eyes.
The Russians left, the oppression has ceased,
Head that direction, you'll be nicely surprised.
Danube River, Novi Sad, Serbia (2010)
A famous river that the Romans were fond of,
It wasn't the cleanest, but was an escape from the heat.
Serbia's a country that fits like a glove,
Just don't go there looking for the likes of Wall Street.
The Berlin Wall, Berlin, Germany (2010)
It's my final verse on a sight full of meaning,
Was once divided but now represents unity,
On the day of the fall a crowd was convening,
In an instant they forged a brand new community.
I usually end with a long moment of reflection,
Today I'll stick to my poetic themes,
The wind has taken me in many directions,
Travel will change your life, so it seems.